More than 60% of the world's population is considered a carrier of human papillomavirus infection. It is mainly transmitted by contact. Against the background of weakened immune system, human papillomavirus (HPV) manifests itself in the form of characteristic neoplasms of the skin or mucous membranes. In rare cases, the cells of such growths become malignant.
What is HPV
Human papillomavirus is one of the types of infectious pathology that provokes the appearance of neoplasms in the body. Growths are formed from epithelial tissue. The virus infects people of any age and gender.
HPV can be transmitted through contact with an infected person, through the use of household items, during childhood, and during childbirth.
To prevent HPV, a vaccine is given before sexual activity, sexual activity is monitored during adolescence, and personal hygiene is indicated.
Antiviral, immunomodulators are prescribed for treatment; existing skin growths are removed.
There are more than 100 types of HPV. Most viruses do not pose a threat to human life and health. It affects only the basal layer of the dermis. By penetrating the human body, HPV disrupts cell division, leading to the appearance of warts.
When you are infected with HPV, the key is to identify the type of virus, because non-oncogenic strains pose no danger to humans, only when they are activated, they damage the appearance of papillomas in the body.
Oncogenic pathogens are dangerous for the development of malignant neoplasms.
Vaccination is the only way to prevent the spread of papillomavirus and prevent cervical cancer.
The vaccine is given to girls and girls before sexual activity.
Oncogenic viruses are viruses that infect the genitals in women or men. First, papillomavirus, which manifests itself in the form of genital warts, causes cervical cancer or triggers the appearance of a malignant tumor in the uterus.
According to statistics, 15-50 people per 100, 000 people in the world are diagnosed with HPV. About 60% of people are carriers of the virus. Thirty percent of those infected do not even suspect that they have a dangerous disease.
Young people aged 18-28 are more susceptible to viral infections. Adolescent girls make up about 82% of active sex life.
Papillomavirus is found in 93% of confirmed cancers affecting the anus or genitals. In addition, in 60% of cases, the infection occurs accidentally during sexual intercourse.
HPV type 16 causes cancer in 41-54% of people.
Statistics also confirm that 90% of women may be active HPV carriers, but only 20% of patients with cervical cancer are diagnosed after 5 years.
Papillomavirus is found in 11 and 6 low-risk populations in 90% of the population.
In addition, in about 95% of cases, experts say that the body is released independently of the virus for about 2 years.
Papillomavirus manifests itself when exposure to external or internal factors in the body causes a decrease in immunity. The nature of the clinical picture during HPV infection depends on the severity of the latter and the localization of neoplasms.
Genital warts differ among the common forms of papillomavirus. It differs in the following features:
- pale pink color;
- having a thin leg where the condyloma is attached to the body.
In the case of condyloma, a liquid with an unpleasant odor is secreted. This type of neoplasm grows painlessly.
The main area of localization of genital warts is the perineum. Patients with genital lesions are concerned about itching and burning.
Infection of the mucous membrane of the larynx causes the appearance of flat papillomas on its surface. The development of this form of pathology is accompanied by the following symptoms:
- shortness of breath;
- problems with absorption;
- hoarse voice;
- persistent cough.
Localized papillomas in the mucous membrane of the larynx tend to grow rapidly, leading to asphyxia.
Viral infection also manifests itself in the following forms:
- Vulgar warts. Occurs due to poor hygiene. The body often suppresses the activity of this type of virus alone.
- straight warts. Growths are small neoplasms up to 3 mm in diameter. More often it is localized in the front of the head.
Papilloma virus type 18 is considered dangerous. It develops in the genitals of men and women, provokes the appearance of many neoplasms on the surface of the mucous membrane.
The causative agent of this species, against the background of weakened immunity, affects the internal structures and spreads rapidly throughout the body. In addition, HPV 18 is prone to malignant tumors.
Defeat of the female genitals with papillomavirus provokes the appearance of non-menstrual bleeding. The infection often penetrates the uterine cavity and contributes to the degeneration of local cells. About 98% of women with reproductive cancer develop a malignant tumor due to exposure to HPV.
How it is transmitted
Papillomavirus infection occurs in the following ways:
- AheadHousehold Items. The use of combs, towels, slippers or clothing by an infected person can help spread the papillomavirus.
- Atdirect contact. This also applies to sexual intimacy. There is a risk of infection when using condoms.
- Autoinfection. The virus travels from one part of the body to another.
- From mother to childthrough the placenta.
The virus enters the body through open wounds and mucous membranes. However, infection does not always occur.
Strong immunity suppresses the infection and prevents it from spreading throughout the body.
People diagnosed with the risk of developing papillomas in the body include:
- hormonal imbalance;
- endocrine pathologies;
- chronic or acute diseases of the internal organs;
- vitamin deficiency;
- pregnancy.
Mental or physical overwork and severe stress also help reduce immunity, which increases the likelihood of papillomavirus infection.
How to get rid of it
There is a specific clinical picture of human papillomavirus. Therefore, treatment is often prescribed only on the basis of the results of external examination of the problem area.
The need for additional testing is also suspected to differentiate HPV from secondary syphilis when the tumor is suspected to be malignant.
Papillomavirus is diagnosed by the following methods:
- to learnbiological secretsick;
- colposcopy(used for damage to the female genitals);
- cytological andhistological analysismaterial obtained from the surface of the condyloma;
- polymerase methodchain reaction, allows you to detect the presence of HPV in the patient's body;
- methodhybridizationWith its help, the level of oncogenicity of tumor cells is determined.
HPV is not "afraid" of the effects of modern antiviral drugs. Therefore, the goal of treatment is to eliminate the external signs of infection.
Conservative therapy is prescribed in the following cases:
- absence of genital warts;
- papilloma color and size remain unchanged;
- the number of increases does not increase.
It is recommended to fight the virus with the help of local drugs.
It is recommended to strengthen the immune system at the same time as the local treatment of warts. Immunomodulators or vitamin complexes are suitable for this.
Other manipulations for genital warts and papillomas that are prone to rebirth include:
- Laser coagulation. The method is considered harmless to the body. A narrowly focused laser beam on the papilloma burns its tissue in layers. There is no bleeding or other side effects in the treatment area after the procedure.
- Cryodostruction. The procedure involves the treatment of neoplasms with liquid nitrogen. The substance freezes growth tissue and causes papilloma.
- Surgical removal. High oncogenicity of the neoplasm is diagnosed.
Human papillomavirus is often not dangerous. Causes the appearance of warts and other neoplasms in the body. Some of these growths are prone to recurrence, so patients with such papillomas should be examined regularly by a doctor.